Sunday, September 22, 2024

The Blooming of Delphinium by Holly Varni: Book Review

 **I received a complimentary copy via Netgalley. All opinions are my own.

The Book

As far as hidden talents go, Delphinium Hayes is blessed with one of the more unique ones. With the slightest passing whiff, she knows someone's most admirable or weediest characteristic. This peculiar perception never fails to give her an advantage in life--until she meets two men who turn her world upside down.

Mason McCormack has agreed to help her with a group of seniors who have taken over her flower shop as their hangout. But his assistance is not without its price, and Delphinium agrees to compensate him with beautiful bouquets that seem to possess a bit of dating magic.

Elliot Sturgis, director of The Gardens Assisted Living Facility, is determined to discover why a group of his residents keeps sneaking over to Delphinium's shop to play poker in the walk-in refrigerator. He soon finds himself as enchanted by Delphinium as everyone else. But his devotion to following the rules and maintaining order does not endear him to the shop's owner.

Sparks fly as opposites attract and love finds a match in Delphinium's Flora Emporium--even for those who resist it the most.

The Author

Holly Varni is the author of On Moonberry Lake. A native Minnesotan of strong Norwegian descent, she was raised in the Lutheran Church that Garrison Keillor made a career depicting. Though she, her husband, and their three sons live along the Central Coast of California, her beloved Midwest roots continue to haunt everything she writes. She hosts the Moments from Moonberry Lake podcast, where she shares more stories of her beloved characters. Learn more at

Book Review

The Blooming of Delphinium is the second book in the Moonberry Lake series but can absolutely be enjoyed just fine as a standalone as well. 

This was such a charming story and quite different than what I was expecting (though I couldn't really say what I was expecting, just that this wasn't quite it!). Delphinium has a rather unique sense of smell--- in that she can smell people in a way that others can't with various floral scents that tell her of their personality. This unique gift of hers definitely intrigued me and kept things interesting in the story. I found in the beginning I wasn't sure where the romance in this story was going to go... but I found it to be a really sweet one. More than anything though, I loved the sense of community that this book gave. Somehow, Delphinium found her flower shop turned into a getaway of sorts for the senior citizens in the community... and what a group this was! The antics they got themselves (and her) into had me laughing out loud throughout the story--- even as it dealt with tougher topics like loss in the midst of it too. I really couldn't help but absolutely fall in love with the unique cast of characters and enjoying every minute spent with them. 

You can purchase your copy here:


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