Monday, October 7, 2024

Helping Your Parent Personalise Their Space In Their Care Home

When a parent moves into a care home, helping them personalize their space can make a significant difference in their comfort, happiness, and sense of belonging. While providing necessary care and assistance, a care home can initially feel unfamiliar and sterile. Personalizing the space can help transform it into a welcoming, comforting environment that reflects your parent’s identity and creates a sense of home. Here are some thoughtful strategies for helping your parent personalize their space in a care home. 

1. Incorporate Personal and Sentimental Items 

One of the easiest ways to make a care home room feel more like home is to fill it with personal and sentimental items that hold meaning for your parent. Bring in family photographs, favorite books, and cherished mementos that evoke positive memories and a sense of continuity. Framed photos of family gatherings, travels, or special moments can brighten up the walls and provide daily reminders of loved ones. Creating a small gallery of photos on a shelf or dresser can also encourage staff and visitors to engage in conversations about their life experiences. 

Additionally, items like a favorite chair, a quilt passed down through the family, or a meaningful piece of artwork can provide emotional comfort. These familiar objects create a sense of connection to their past and can reduce feelings of isolation. 

2. Customize the Bedding and Furnishings 

Personalizing the bedding and furnishings can have a profound effect on how your parent feels in their care home room. Choose soft, high-quality bedding in colors or patterns that they love. Whether it’s a comforter in their favorite shade or pillows with a comforting texture, these touches can make their bed feel more inviting and homely. 

If the care home allows it, consider replacing standard furniture with items from home that your parent finds comfortable and familiar. For example, bringing in their favorite armchair or a small side table they used to have in their living room can help them feel more at ease. Even smaller items like lamps, rugs, or decorative cushions can help soften the environment and make it feel more like their own personal space. 

3. Add Greenery and Nature Elements 

Bringing nature into the room can have a calming and therapeutic effect. Potted plants, small flowers, or even a simple vase of fresh flowers can add warmth and life to the room. If your parent enjoyed gardening or nature, adding some greenery can remind them of their hobbies and bring a sense of serenity. Low-maintenance plants like succulents, or artificial plants, if necessary, can brighten up the space without requiring much care or upkeep. Care homes like try to create enticing outdoor spaces for their residents, but having plants inside can help with mental health too.  

If possible, positioning the furniture to make the most of natural light or a view outside can also bring a sense of connection to the outside world, which is important for overall well-being. 

4. Create a Cozy Reading or Relaxation Area 

If space allows, setting up a cozy reading or relaxation nook can give your parent a comfortable place to unwind. Whether they enjoy reading, knitting, or simply relaxing, a designated area with a comfy chair, a soft throw, and good lighting can make the room feel more personal. Add a small bookshelf with some of their favorite books or magazines, and perhaps a side table for drinks or snacks. This small corner of the room can serve as a peaceful retreat within the care home, where they can enjoy activities that bring them joy. 

5. Encourage Their Involvement in the Personalization Process 

It’s essential to involve your parent in the process of personalizing their space, as this can give them a sense of control and agency over their environment. Ask for their input on what items they’d like to bring from home, what colors they prefer, or how they’d like the room arranged. This involvement is especially important in helping them feel more connected to their space and less like they’ve lost their independence. 

Even if they are unable to actively participate in all decisions, simply asking their opinion and incorporating their preferences can make a big difference in how they feel about the transition to care home living. 

6. Keep Practical Considerations in Mind 

While personalizing the space, it’s also important to consider practical considerations. Ensure that personal items and decorations do not obstruct movement or accessibility, especially if your parent uses a wheelchair or walker. The space should remain functional, safe, and easy for both your parent and care staff to navigate. 

Additionally, be mindful of the care home’s policies regarding personal items and decorations. Some facilities may have restrictions on furniture, wall hangings, or electrical appliances, so it’s a good idea to check the guidelines before bringing in larger items. 


Personalizing your parent’s space in their care home can make a significant impact on their sense of well-being, comfort, and emotional connection to their new environment. By incorporating sentimental items, cozy furnishings, nature elements, and ensuring your parent is involved in the process, you can help transform their care home room into a space that feels more like home. This thoughtful personalization can make their transition smoother and improve their overall experience in long-term care. 




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