Wednesday, October 9, 2024

The Coast is Clear by Jensen Rose Long: Book Review

 **ARC received via Netgalley. All opinions are my own. 

The Book

All Izzy wanted was a happily-ever-after with her husband Jack. She didn’t expect to become a widow at the age of 26, with a toddler and a baby on the way.

Fast forward three years and Izzy finally has her feet underneath her as a widow and mom. Izzy is moving back to Breakaway Shores, on the Oregon coast, to find a house where her boys can play in the sand, and she can watch the waves.

Her brother, who happens to be the real estate king of the coast, knows the perfect house. The handsome owner, Zander, is one of his friends who is ready to move out of town. He’s a retired football star and is drawn to Izzy’s independence and strength.

The more time they spend together, the more Izzy realizes Zander might be worth the risk of opening up her heart again. He’s everything she wasn’t ready to look for and that scares Izzy. She knows what happens when a couple doesn’t get their happily-ever-after.

Can Izzy trust Zander with her heart, or will she stand in the way of the happily ever after she’s afraid to lose a second time?

The Author

Jensen Rose Long lives in Oregon with her husband and four children. She’s been writing stories since she was a kid, and this is her ultimate dream job. When she’s not living in one of her own fictional worlds, she chases her kids around in the rain and host the Authors and Agents podcast.

Book Review

What a sweet and tender romance this was! For me personally, when dealing with widows in romance, I think it can be really difficult to strike the right balance between acknowledging that first love and not taking anything away from it... while also getting that feeling in the current romance of finding your person. I thought this one found that right balance. It didn't feel like Zander was trying to replace Jack (Izzy's first husband) at all. He understood and acknowledged that Jack had been an important part of her life. I loved the way that he just showed up for not just her... but her boys too. The relationship he had with them was super sweet and added so much to their story. The idea behind the story felt really unique too--- Zander has plans to move and Izzy plans to buy his house... talk about complications. It was a sweet story and one that has me looking forward to reading more from the author in the future. 

The Coast Is Clear is a closed-door romance with fade to black moments and implied intimacy. While nothing explicit happens on the pages, it does get a little more heated and there is a scene where the two are in the shower together so it might not be for all closed-door readers. There is also some minor language as well. 

You can purchase your copy here:


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24