Saturday, November 30, 2024

The Ghost of Darwin Stewart {+ Enter to Win} #LGNixon #ChristianBooks #TheGhostofDarwinStewart

**Book received for consideration. All opinions are my own. 

It's no secret to anyone who has been around long that I absolutely love Christian fiction. There's something about picking up a book and knowing that regardless of the amount of Christian content present, the story will be written with a Christian worldview and free from content that I might not be comfortable with. Over the years, I have read many wonderful stories that have touched my heart and fallen in love with the works of many wonderful Christian authors. 

As a mom though, I've definitely noticed that finding those types of books for younger audiences is definitely more difficult. Not only are there significantly less options out there, I have also found that those that are available don't tend to appeal to my children all that much. My daughter is an avid reader who loves stories full of adventure and mystery... and yes, some fantasy too! So, when I saw The Ghost of Darwin Stewart- the first book in a series intended to engage teens and young adults, it seemed right up her alley. Take a look: 

A girl, a ghost, and a magical artifact. What could go wrong?

Summer vacation is all fun and games for Lucy Hornberger...until she's attacked by a smelly ghost and followed by a terrifying shape-shifter who declares he must retrieve an ancient artifact called the Spectrescope, which Lucy happens to have in her possession. The Spectrescope has revealed a beguiling reality filled with magic, spirits, and Irredaemons who have crossed into her world. Lucy has discovered deep secrets that could destroy both realities.

Entangled in an unbelievable struggle against a spirit world she never knew existed, Lucy's understanding of reality has her questioning everything. Once things of fantasy, ghosts, spirits, shapeshifters, and magical objects are suddenly real and menacing.

As the entities pursue the Spectrescope, Lucy must search for a way to defeat the spirits and discover the truth about the unseen realm. 

Lucy must decide—should she protect the artifact and defend her world against this evil that is threatening it? Or give it up to protect herself and her loved ones? And at what cost to the innocent? Can someone called the High King help her in this fight against the Dark Prince?

Lucy has been chosen, but evil is strong, and the night has secrets of its own.

Wait... a Christian ghost story? While I personally don't take issue in magic and ghostly things in fictional tales, I know that others might. For those unsure, I loved reading the author's thoughts on the topic. You can check that out here. There are also some great discussion questions that you can check out and discuss too. (I love that the author also encourages others to do their own research of scripture as well.) If you still decide it's not for you/your family, that's okay... but I do love how fictional stories can open up that discussion... and how young readers can find a story that is filled with a story that draws them in, while also holding a Christian worldview pointing them to God. 

Admittedly, this book isn't one that I would normally pick up. I'm not a huge fantasy reader, nor do I prefer to read a ton of YA books either. But I did give this one a go before passing it along to my daughter since it is definitely more her type of story! I have to say, I was actually rather pleasantly surprised. The story drew me in right away. Right from the first chapter, Lucy is seeing ghosts, really setting the tone for the story right from the start. While I found it enjoyable, I know that those readers who ARE more drawn to this type of story will love it even more! 

You can learn more and purchase your copy here

Enter to win a copy here

Want to learn more about the author? Check out her podcast appearances here



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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24