Monday, January 27, 2025

Read the Bible in a Year with the CSB Jesus Daily Bible {+ Giveaway} #JesusDailyBibleMIN #MomentumInfluencerNetwork

Many thanks to Lifeway Christian Resources for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.  #JesusDailyBibleMIN #MomentumInfluencerNetwork #jesusdailybible #dailybible #bibleinayear #christianstandardbible #csb #csbible #holmanbible #bhpub

At the start of each new year, many take the oppurtunity to set some goals for themselves--- ways they hope to improve themselves and their lives. Among Christians, some such goals can include spending more time in prayer or reading through the Bible in a year. Both are great goals, but that last one especially can be a little intimidating, right? Where do we begin? The CSB Jesus Daily Bible can be a great place to start. Take a look:

The NEW CSB Jesus Daily Bible includes a 52-week, Christ-focused, guided reading plan that you can join at any point during the year.

Day by day, you'll thematically study Scripture through a weekly introduction, helpful articles and infographics, and a weekly summary to help you understand Jesus’s central role from Genesis to Revelation.

Every page of God’s Word points to the bigger story of Jesus. And every day, the CSB Jesus Daily Bible will help you see how.

I was recently given the chance to check out this Bible for myself and share some thoughts. First of all, how beautiful is this Bible? There are a few different styles available, but I personally received the blue hardcover edition which features a simple artwork pointing to moments in scripture. Inside it features a good-sized font that makes it easier to read. It does have some unlined space in the margins for notes as well.

But of course, what truly sets this one apart is the reading plan. Prior to receiving this Bible, I had already started a different reading plan, so I am not personally using this plan this year, but I did go through and check out enough to get a good feel for it. Each week starts with an introduction that tells us what we can expect in the week to come, what each day's reading will be and my personal favorite--- where we can find Christ in that week's reading. When we get to the New Testament, it's really easy to see Jesus in the scripture, but in the Old Testament? It's not always as noticeable, especially at surface level, so I really appreciated that aspect.

Now, I have had many Bibles that suggest a daily reading plan, but its typically listed in either the front or the back, not among the pages themselves. I love that this one has it broken down right on the pages so you can see it all AS you're reading. This is so much more convenient, and I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that this would make it so much easier to stay on track. At the end of each week, we are given a summary of what we've read, as well as how it can apply to our lives. The reading plan is consecutive (meaning it goes from Genesis to Revelation in order of how they are organized in the Bible) with each week broken down into five days and listed as general days/weeks, with no specific dates. I love this. I think one of the reasons that so many people give up on their Bible reading plans is that life happens, and they get behind, so instead of starting back where they left off, they put it off until next year. Because this one is not date specific, you can truly start (or start back) at any time. Likewise, I think the 5-day week can work better for many people, giving a little wiggle room for those days you might get a little behind without feeling like you're off track.

Overall, I thought this was a wonderful Bible that will be a great resource to helping to meet those Bible reading goals and keeping Jesus at the center of every day. 

Order your copy of the CSB Jesus Daily Bible today! Learn more at

One very lucky reader is going to win a copy of CSB Jesus Daily Bible for themselves. Enter using the giveaway form below. US only. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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